FitVault weld
An advanced machine learning tool that collects, analyses and delivers bespoke health insights. Available through a secure API.

Our Big Data solution (Weld) connects to various data sources and collects hundreds of user's health and fitness data points to create meaningful and accurate health insights and metrics for our clients.

Big Data

The data lake is our big data system; a centralized repository designed to store, process and secure large amounts of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data with no limitation on size. The data is processed through a series of stages where it is cleaned, normalised and then aggregated to allow standard data comparisons between all device manufacturers.

Weld can be used to:

Calculate a daily Health ID for each user

Give users feedback about how they compare in multiple areas within their demographic

Detect any fraudulent or anomalous activity

Drag and drop visual reports for by-the-minute comparisons and trend analysis

Enable clients to pull their data when required

The FitVault app

FitVault is scaleable and flexible to suit any use case that requires detailed insights from multiple sources of health data. Enhance your product with the single solution for health data collection, correlation and analysis.

Apply for the Beta version